Music by Tom Deering
24 June 2017 – 12 August 2017

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee Takes Oral Evidence on Whitehall’s Relationship with Kids Company.

“The objective of this session is not to conduct a show trial. We want to learn some lessons.”

What happens when something goes wrong? Who holds us accountable?  On 15 October 2015, as part of an inquiry into ‘The collapse of Kids Company’, Camila Batmanghelidjh and Alan Yentob gave evidence to The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee.  Hadley Fraser, Josie Rourke and composer Tom Deering have transformed that evidence session into a new musical.

This production has not been authorised by any participant or Parliament. We present it to you – the public – to consider how civic life in the UK is really governed.

It is based on the Parliamentary transcript of the oral evidence session on 15 October 2015 and the words spoken by those participating in the Inquiry

★★★★ ‘The ensemble is terrific in Adam Penford’s assured, compelling production’ Independent

‘A fascinating piece of theatre’ Daily Telegraph

‘Immaculately acted and sung’ Times

in order of speaking

Clerk Joanna Kirkland
Committee Assistant David Albury
Bernard Jenkin MP Alexander Hanson
Cheryl Gillan MP Liz Robertson
David Jones MP Robert Hands
Paul Flynn MP Anthony O’Donnell
Kate Hoey MP Rosemary Ashe
Alan Yentob Omar Ebrahim
Camila Batmanghelidjh Sandra Marvin


Violin Ruth Elder
Violin Douglas Harrison
Viola Jennifer MacCallum
Cello Angélique Lihou


Director Adam Penford
Designer Robert Jones
Musical Director Torquil Munro
Lighting Designer Jack Knowles
Sound Designer Nick Lidster for Autograph
Orchestrator Will Stuart
Movement Director Naomi Said
Video Duncan McLean
Casting Alastair Coomer CDG & Sarah Playfair